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Amazing Grace

The "amazing" word can be sometimes underused. I would choose its definition from the dictionary as very impressive. It makes me relate to the description.

Grace, on the other hand, is the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. Powerful meaning as it is, makes you amazed when you realize it personally in your life.

In the past, people have to abide by and do the law given by God in order for them to acquire salvation. After God completed His mission on earth, as He became like us humans, though He is God, then grace became available. I'm not a professional theologian to make it clear. But I do experience grace and am amazed by it. I don't discount the law now. Some people can perfect it and some can't. They can't manage just out of their own strength and don't even know how to help themselves.

Grace-conscious people are thankful and gracious to themselves and other people. You are conscious of what God says about you and your position in Him without "buts" or conditions. You don't rely on your good works, achievements, wisdom, own strength, and ways. You don't come to Him boasting, instead confident in His love. You see a lot of goodness and positivity. You are not hard on yourself and on others as well. He can turn every bad past you had and use it for His own glory. You rejoice with others and do not look down or judge. Your speech is full of grace and love. You enjoy every day just accepting the favors and blessings as part of the inheritance as a kid of the Heavenly Father. You stop condemning yourself and punishing yourself and others. You don't look back on the past and feel unworthy. Your pride is in Him. He is your mirror. After looking in the mirror, you walk away and don't forget who you are. You are His workmanship and righteousness and sons and daughters. Later you find it natural for you to do what is right as the product and fruit of your sweet fellowship with the Father. Your heart longs for the salvation of others so that they too receive the grace you once discovered. We can go on and on with this. I leave some of it from your experience. Choose grace.

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