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a divorce journey

As bold as the title, so am I, on sharing about it. This happens and exists but does not mean encouraged. I am not proud of it but I am writing to remind myself someday how God carried me through. Leaving some lessons (not only for me), once in this earthly life, I have been there and can absolutely look back and see how far I have come with His grace. To also remind others on taking consideration and not judge, but instead, be a friend respecting the journey of the other. As one preacher said, "Don't criticize someone's steps when you have not walked in their shoes". In addition, don't underestimate others' pain. As a disclaimer, no talking about the other party involved and this is not a blame-game blog, thankfully. People have different situations, coping ways, and opinions.

Who doesn't want a happy ending? Who doesn't love to love romantically? Who doesn't aim for a successful marriage? I really guess, no one.

Is there anyone who wants to stay in the hurting place? Is there someone who wishes not to move on? I really guess, none.

As the wounds need time to heal. Giving time for a person to heal means understanding that she or he was wounded. You can't rush it. Very apparently, some people have different healing times while others take longer. And sadly, others take even longer. Even how, recognizing that a person has a wound, can guide others. It's not always easy to know what to say though. If it's not really constructing, better say nothing.

The process has phases. Although someone is deceived on his own, thinking he or she is on the next phase, it can take many "U-turns" and it depends again, on each situation. Self-acknowledging, forgiving, acceptance, and self-worth or even being "so lost" are some phases I can name.

Without God, it is very very very, ahh, super hard.!

Although, some have moved on, what choices do you make after?

Will you settle for anyone less best than God can give you?

Will you use up your own efforts looking for a sort of replacement?

This time, I guess, you can answer.

The process is always inconvenient. If someone is so filled up in his or her mind about finding someone, instead of taking time to celebrate yourself and your positives, then you can be missing something that's important. But sincerely, loving yourself and God. As cliche as it may be, but, there is beauty and pure joy in it. It is not fun to be hurt many times by the wrong people. God does allow things to happen to give you the best you have not thought of. He uses the hurts and actions of others to actually direct you where you are supposed to be and what you are really called for. Not all can be wrong about what had happened but they can be part of your destiny. Someday, you will thank the other too.

If you are experiencing something related, wherever phase you are right now, take your time. At the same time, let God be with you in your journey ~~~=>

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