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Crying heart

It's been a while since the last time I wrote. But now, I'm here for something that's worth writing for(hehe), at least for me. This way, I can lighten up some burdens and open up without receiving directly a critique. Save it for yourself;) Nah, excuse this one... :) :D

Some days ago, I had a chit-chat with one good friend and we talked about being a strong person. Her, stating, "I could never be as strong as you". Well, I replied that I am not. I don't see myself as one. It just happened to be that I don't have a choice but to be such. Well, she insisted ... :D :D

I wanna share this...

Some people have the jolliest personality when around others and smile like they are the happiest. At night, they aren't. I have encountered some that would blame that person why he/she is suffering. I would say, not all the time they are right. That is why I try everything that would make me happy but it doesn't mean I forget the pains. And sometimes, you can't really do anything about a situation. You may see me having fun but it's the only way to save yourself from being so beneath. Recently, there are many things to be done and I have had much time to accomplish those yet I didn't. Here's something I can teach you(hehe):

We experience stress at different levels. Stress about practical things on a daily basis, or can be more than that. But there is one where because of this particular stress, you manage to lay down even the whole day without reason to be exhausted yet you cannot function. It is not being lazy, it's just different. I don't wish it on anyone.

I really thank people for making me happy and laugh and let me feel out of that bubble. But when the time comes, I feel like sharing, I thank you for listening :) I really appreciate it if you do not force me to share because it's taking much from my system :)

Otherwise, I try to understand that you don't know what's going on, so you act or say whatever. After all, it's not all about me :) :) :)

Thanks! Better now. Everything will be alright and some have already been :)

Keep lovin' :)

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